Program on Church, State & Society offers $10,000 Summer Fellowships

Author: Denise Wager

Notre Dame Law School’s Program on Church, State & Society will award up to four summer fellowships, in the amount of $10,000 each, to students working for a religious institution in a legal capacity for the summer of 2018.

“This is an outstanding opportunity for NDLS students to learn about religious-institutions practice and explore the many ways lawyers work at the intersection of church, state, and society,” said Richard W. Garnett, Paul J. Schierl/Fort Howard Corporation Professor and Director of the Program.

Last year’s placements included the Office of Legal Services at Presence Health, the General Counsel’s office at the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops in Washington, D.C, the Archdiocese of Chicago’s Office of Legal Services, and Catholic Charities Legal Assistance in Chicago. 

Applicants can also intern for the religious-institutions practices at several private law firms across the country or at a religious-institution placement of the applicant’s choosing (e.g., a religious charity, educational institution, social-welfare agency, health-care provider, etc.) that is consistent with the goals for the fellowships.

Reports from students who worked as Church, State & Society fellows last summer are available here.

The fellowship is primarily intended for first-year students, but second-year students may apply as well. Interested students should submit a cover letter, describing their interest and relevant experience and background, a current resume, and — if applicable — a description of their proposed placement, to Prof. Garnett before February 16.